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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bayabas (Guava) Herbal Products

Carica Bayabas Tea
Product of the Philippines
30 teabags (2 grams/teabag)

Tea processed from Bayabas or Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves is an effective antiseptic used for washing wounds and for infection of the mouth and gums.

All Organics Guava Healing Bath Soap
Product of the Philippines

Facilitates healing of wounds, has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Improves skin texture and lightens skin tone.

An organic natural soap handcrafted using slow cold process method. Especially formulated to deliver the very best in skin care while using only safe, truly natural ingredients. Each handmade organic natural soap contains skin-loving cold pressed coconut oil, wild-crafted and organic botanicals and vegetable butters for their exceptional skin care benefits, leaving your skin squeaky clean and healthy after every bath.

All Organics soaps do not contain parabens, mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum, phenol carbolic acid, propylene glycol, acrylamide, toluene, dioxane, sulfates, triclosan, triclocarban, EDTA, TEA, DEA, sodium laureth and sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS/SLES).

What is Bayabas?
(Guava - Engl.)

Somewhat hairy young branches are 4-angled with opposite leaves. Flowers with in-curved petals, cottony white, coming out in two's or three's in the leaf axils. Numerous stamens form the attractive part of the flower. Inferior ovaries develop into roundish green fruits that turn yellow on ripening and have edible, aromatic, seedy pulp.

Scientific Names
Psidium cujavus Linn.
Psidium aromaticum Blanco
Psidium pyriferum Linn.
Psidium pomiferum Linn

Widely distributed in the Philippines. Common in backyards. Well-known because of its edible fruit. Propagation by seeds, budding, grafting, and marcotting. Root cuttings have been tried with success.

Parts Utilized
Leaves, fruit

Fixed oil, 6%; volatile (essential) oil, 0.365%; eugenol; tannin 8-15%; saponins; amydalin; phenolic acids; malic acid; ash, aldehydes.


Astringent, antispasmodic, anthelminthic and antiseptic properties.
Leaves used for wounds and toothache must always be fresh. Decoction or infusion of fresh leaves used for wound cleaning to prevent infection and to facilitate healing.

Aromatic bath: Use warm decoction of leaves.

Diarrhea: Boil for 15 minutes 4 to 6 tablespoons of chopped leaves in 18 ounces of water. Strain and cool. Drink 1/4 of the decoction every 3 - 4 hours.

Toothache: Chew 2-3 young leaves and put into the tooth cavity;
Gum swelling: Chewed leaves; or use the leaf decoction as mouthwash 3 times daily; chewed leaves. Toothache: Chew but do not swallow fresh leaves.

Skin ulcers, wounds, pruritic or infected: Apply decoction of leaves or unripe fruit as wash or the leaf poultice on the wound or use the decoction for wound cleansing. It is also popularly used for the wound healing of circumcision wounds.

Nosebleeds: Densely roll the bayabas leaves and place into the nostril cavity.

Vaginal wash: Because of antiseptic properties, warm decoction of leaves as vaginal wash (after childbirth) or douche.

Leaf extract used in skin whitening products.

Toothbrush au-natural: Bayabas twigs, chewed at the ends until frayed, used as alternative for toothbrushing with whitening effect.




Unknown said...

Cool..!! This is really lovely.. Thanks

Unknown said...

Where to buy